
Monday, June 21, 2010

Hair Dance

Lived in Orchid Island, the Yami women of Gaoshan ethnic minority group are good at dancing named Fa Wu (or Hair Dance). The women, who engaged in the dance, should have a black head of hair and a strong body. There is no limit on the numbers of dancer. They scatter their long hair and sing a song slowly. With their dance steps, they shake their body and hair gradually. Then, they hook on to each other’s arms. Their forearm fold on their chest or they spread their arms to hold on to each other’s waist. With their speeding up and their movement range increasing, they spring off the ground and toss their hair between front and back at the same time. When they toss their hair to the front, they bow down until their hair can touch the ground. Afterwards, they toss their hair over the top of their head, and their waist erect. All their hair is loose at the back of their head now after the state of “standing on their head” momentarily. They dance in such a way over and over again.

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